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Seagate INNOV8 8 TB

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Seagate INNOV8 8 TB

 Seagate 8TB INNOV8 3.5 "

Completely ambitious - both inside and outside

Access to a new era of personal storages with remarkable Seagate Innov8. With a capacity of 8 TB with amazing you can be Positioned Exactly Where You need - right next to Each Other. Back up and store your Entire universe full of your favorite music and videos, along with any other Important documents, projects and irreplaceable photos.

 Seagate 8TB INNOV8 3.5 "

Desktop storage powered via the USB-C

Innov8 is the first 8 TB external storage market being Supplied via a USB plug-C . Single, double sided USB-C INNOV8 drives while Providing easy access to a massive 8 TB of the bearing space. You no longer need to rotate the USB connector and seek the direction of engagement as well with you do not look for a free electrical outlet. Innov8 is the sufficient to connect to your computer and you're all set.

 Seagate 8TB INNOV8 3.5 "

Ignition Boost technology from Seagate

Ignition Boost technology is a veritable milestone breakthrough in mechanical engineering. In combination with the 3.1 USB technology eliminates the need Ignition Boost power adapter for the first time at 8 TB desktop hard disk.

 Seagate 8TB INNOV8 3.5 "

Art imitates development

Premium INNOV8 all aluminum housing is robust and well balanced . The frame is folded from a single layer forms a self-confident design with a perfectly gentle treatment. Layers and strengthen resilience and uniqueness of the architecture of the disk.

 Seagate 8TB INNOV8 3.5 "

The kit is Located

  • Seagate high-capacity storage Innov8
  • C-USB cable
  • Brief operating instructions

Parametre a špecifikácia

Typ úložiska


Šírka 123,6 mm (12,36 cm)
Výška 208 mm (20,8 cm)
Hĺbka 36 mm (3,6 cm)


Hmotnosť 1 500 g (1,5 kg)


Farba Čierna


Použitie Externý
Kód:  FR061g1
Produktové číslo:  STFG8000400
Odkazy: Stránky výrobcu

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