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How To Choose a Built-in Refrigeratos

Built-in refrigerators are adapted for installation in a kitchen unit so that it blends and looks like a cabinet or cupboard from the outside. Their appearance is not exactly attractive, so they are not suitable for standing alone in a kitchen. They blend perfectly with the kitchen unit, which then looks uniform and elegant. So how would you go about choosing a built-in refrigerator?

How to choose a built-in refrigerator?

A few tips for choosing a built-in refrigerator:

  1. The refrigerator will be in operation at all times. Therefore, pay special attention to the energy class.

  2. Expect a smaller internal volume for built-in refrigerators. Choose capacity according to the number of people in your household and the type of food you intend to store.

  3. Consider whether it would be more suitable for you to have the freezer compartment at the top or at the bottom of the appliance?

  4. Pay attention to the modern functions of the refrigerator, which will significantly facilitate its maintenance and prolong the freshness of food.

Basic parameters for selecting a built-in refrigerator

Structural design

Before you make your choice, you need to decide what type of built-in refrigerator you are actually choosing. From a design point of view, you can choose from 3 types of built-in refrigerators:

The most popular are combined refrigerators, which consist of a cooling and freezer compartment. It is always better if both of these parts have their own separate doors. This saves energy and protects stored food. If you already have a free-standing freezer in your home, a monoclimatic refrigerator can provide you with a larger usable volume than a combined refrigerator. A small built-in refrigerator is suitable for 1-2-member households.

Freezer location

There are two types of combined built-in refrigerators:

  • With a freezer at the bottom of the refrigerator – there is a wider choice of these currently on the market

  • With a freezer at the top of the fridge – a smaller choice on the market

Freezers in the lower part of the refrigerator usually have 2 to 5 drawers and allow for the freezer to be better regulated. On the other hand Having the freezer at the top, makes it more easily accessible, but its useful volume is usually smaller.

Dimensions for installation

Built-in refrigerators have a special design for easy installation in the kitchen unit, so that, for example, the door does not open too widely. Installation is more complicated and it is advisable to leave it to an expert. It is important to take into account the dimensions of the refrigerator and we recommend that you consult the manufacturer of the kitchen unit or another expert before purchasing a specific model.

  • The depth of the built-in refrigerator is usually standardized (45-55 cm).

  • The width of the refrigerator is in the range of 54 to 60 cm and it is necessary to make your choice with regards to the dimensions of your cabinets.

  • The height varies and it is advisable to choose it with regard to the layout of the kitchen unit.

According to the height, we can divide the built-in refrigerator into three categories:

Pozn.: When designing a kitchen unit, keep in mind that built-in refrigerators are smaller in volume. When choosing, then pay attention to the internal usable volume in addition to the external dimensions. Before buying, also make sure that the direction of the door opening is changeable (that there are hinges on both sides).

Internal usable volume

For built-in monoclimatic refrigerators, you will find information on the volume of the cooling section. For combined refrigerators, the total usable volume is given, followed by the usable volume of the refrigerator and the usable volume of the freezer seperately. The total usable volume of built-in combined fridge freezers is usually in the range of 100 to 350 ml,and there are plenty to choose from. For one household member, around 70 liters of refrigeration space and 25 liters of freezer space is generally recommended. However, the required size of the refrigerator depends on the lifestyle of each family, and the layout of the interior space is also important - the number of shelves or the type of drawers used etc.

1-2 member household

3-4 member household

But the use depends very much on the individual. If you make larger purchases, say for a whole week, choose a cooling compartment with a larger volume. If you store a lot of food in the freezer, you will need a larger freezer.

TIP: When buying a new refrigerator, also think about whether your family will grow. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that with your children getting older, it is necessary to set aside more refrigerator space for them.

Energy class and energy label

For easier selection, there is an energy label, which is mandatory for each refrigerator. You will find information on the energy efficiency of the product, supplemented by information on the annual energy consumption, as well as information on the usable volume of the refrigerator and freezer, and its noise levels.

Energy Label

Energy class indicates grouping according to energy consumption. Consumption is derived from operation under ideal conditions, i.e at an ambient temperature of 20 ° C and 70% of the refrigerator space being used. You can choose built-in refrigerators from the least economical Class C models to the more economical Class A+, A++ or most economical A+++ models.

Illustrative annual energy consumption of combined refrigerators by energy classes**

Energy class Annual consumption in kWh Costs in CZK / day* Costs in CZK / year*
A+++ 161 2,12 774
A++ 220 2,90 1 059
A+ 275 3,62 1 321
A 305 4 1 464

* Calculated with the price of CZK 4.80 / kWh
** The energy consumption of the refrigerator is affected by the size of the usable volume, the type of compressor, the insulation thickness and other parameters.

Climate class

The climate class informs us about the temperature of the surrounding environment in which the refrigerator will be located. If the refrigerator is in a different climatic environment than recommended, it may consume more energy and may not cool properly. There are 4 climate classes, but some refrigerators are adapted for operation in more than one class, i.e in a wider temperature range.

Climate class Ambient temperature range
SN (subnormal temperatures) +10 to +32 °C
N (normal temperatures) +16 to +32 °C
ST (subtropical temperatures) +18 to +38 °C
T (tropical temperatures) +18 to +43 °C

Freezing capacity and freezing performance

If you choose a built-in refrigerator with a freezer, pay attention to its freezing capacity and freezing performance. Many people confuse these two terms, but they are two different parameters.

  • Freezing capacity

Freezing capacity indicates how many kilograms of food the freezer is able to freeze in 24 hours.

  • Freezing capacity

Freezing capacity indicates the temperature at which the freezer can freeze food and therefore the kind of storage for which it is suitable. The number of stars under the name freezing class most often informs about this parameter.

Star rating Temperature Recommended length of food storage
* - 6 °C days
** - 12 °C weeks
*** - 18 °C months
**** - 24 °C Long-term storage

Accumulation time

Accumulation time indicates how long food remains frozen even after a power failure. It basically shows how well the freezer is insulated. The longer this time, the better.

Number of circuits in a combined refrigerator

Even combined refrigerators are now mostly manufactured with one compressor for the refrigeration and the freezing parts, and more and more often you will encounter an inverter compressor, which is quieter and more efficient. An important element in a combined refrigerator is the number of circuits. We recommend choosing a refrigerator with two circuits, as this will allow you to regulate the refrigerator and freezer separately, which makes the use of both parts more efficient, for example when defrosting, you can switch off one part while the other remains in operation.


Built-in refrigerators have the advantage that they are less audible. Nevertheless, pay attention to the noise parameter on the energy label, because the refrigerator will be in operation continuously, and especially in a small apartment, it could bother you. Refrigerators with an operating noise of around 40 dB are considered quiet. But if you want a very quiet refrigerator, choose 37 dB and less.

Features and technologies

Today, refrigerators are equipped with the latest technologies and various functions that preserve the quality of food better and longer, affect low consumption, facilitate maintenance, etc. Although it can sometimes mean a slightly higher price, it is a good investment in an appliance that has our food in "their hands".

  • No Frost – modern frost-free technology that protects food and saves you time and effort. The No Frost technology creates cold and dry air, which circulates in the refrigerator and is optimally distributed throughout its space. The refrigerator thus maintains a constant temperature and there is no icing on the food or on the walls of the refrigerator. The constant air flow also ensures faster cooling / freezing of food. Low humidity in the refrigerator minimizes the occurrence of bacteria and fungi.

  • No Frost DualAdvance – improved No Frost technology, which includes double air circulation.

  • Nulová zóna – also called perfekt fresh, biofresh, fresh balance or vitafresh depending on the manufacturer, is a special compartment in which you can reduce the temperature to 0 ° C. A temperature around zero minimizes the growth of unwanted bacteria and thus prolongs the freshness of food. Thanks to the zero zone, the food retains its aroma and taste longer and there is no loss of vitamins. In the zero zone, you can choose a humidity of up to 90% that suits the food being stored. For example, relatively high humidity is suitable for vegetables and fruits during storage, but a moisture content of around 50% is required for proper storage of meat.

  • Super cooling – protects already chilled food from warming up. For example, before placing new items in the refrigerator, pressing a button will turn on this function, and the temperature in the refrigerator will temporarily drop. Not only does the new food cool down faster, but the temperature in the refrigerator is prevented from rising and the stored food from heating up. After cooling down, the refrigerator automatically switches to the original temperature.

  • Super freezing – ensures fast freezing of newly stored food and at the same time prevents thawing of already frozen food. Thus the vitamins and the original taste of the food is better preserved. You can use this short-term sharp drop in temperature not only when putting new food in the freezer, but also when looking for something in it.

  • Ionizer – enriches the air in the refrigerator with a large amount of negatively charged ions and thus minimizes the occurrence of unwanted microorganisms. The ionizer creates a "healthy" microclimate for food and thus prolongs its freshness. At the same time, it effectively neutralizes the odor of aromatic foods.

  • Antibacterial surface – a special surface treatment of the inner walls of the refrigerator prevents the formation of bacteria and fungi.

  • Ventilation: the refrigerator's ventilation system prevents warmer air from being kept at the top and cooler air falling to the bottom. Ventilation distributes cold air throughout the interior of the refrigerator and maintains the same temperature everywhere.

  • The display, often in combination with touch controls, allows convenient and clear control of the appliance. The display shows important information about the operation of the refrigerator and freezer, as well as function settings.

  • CrisperBox – a special compartment for fruits and vegetables. The adjustable degree of humidity ensures freshness and the wavy profile of the bottom protects the food from condensed water.

  • 6th sense – sensor technology that affects the performance of compressors so that ideal temperature conditions are maintained for food storage. As soon as the sensor measures a temperature increase, it activates the fast cooling mode. This technology extends the freshness and shelf life of food.

  • Intelligent control – these are so-called smart refrigerators, which can be controlled using a mobile application from virtually anywhere. You can remotely set, for example, the temperature of the refrigerator, control individual functions or perform general diagnostics of the appliance and more. It can come in very handy for example when the fridge door isn’t shut probably and you are notified by a message on your phone. It also can play an alarm to let you know the fridge door hasn’t been closed properly.

  • Holiday mode – can reduce the performance of the refrigerator when you go on holiday or be away from home for a long time. Thanks to this function, the internal temperature is kept around 12 ° C so that food is not spoiled and at the same time there is no unpleasant odor. You will save energy during your holiday without having to switch off the refrigerator completely.

Built-in refrigerator

Built-in refrigerator with freezer

Built-in refrigerator with freezer

  • The combination of a refrigerator with a freezer saves space
  • Wide selection of sizes, internal arrangement and external appearance

Built-in combined refrigerators are a practical 2in1 variant and are therefore the most common. They are richly equipped with modern features. The freezer can be located at the bottom or at the top. When choosing, pay attention to the internal volume of the cooling and freezer compartments as well as the number of cooling circuits (we recommend two).

Advantages and disadvantages
  • 2in1 appliance
  • Wide range of models
  • Many modern features
  • The best price / benefit ratio
  • Smaller internal volume of the cooling part
Built-in refrigerator without freezer

Built-in refrigerator without freezer

  • Monoclimatic refrigerator with cooling space only
  • Suitable for households that already have a free-standing freezer

Built-in refrigerators without a freezer, also called monoclimatic refrigerators, only have a cooling compartment. As a result, they can offer a larger usable volume of cooling space. They can be used in households where a large space for storing food is needed an that already has a free-standing freezer

Advantages and disadvantages
  • Larger space for storing food
  • Net capacity up to 300 liters
  • It is necessary to buy a free-standing freezer
  • Smaller selection of models
Small built-in refrigerator

Small built-in refrigerator

  • Height up to 89 cm
  • With or without freezer

Even though you are limited by a small kitchen space, you do not have to give up the potential to have a harmonized kitchen unit. Thanks to the special design of the doors and walls, it easily slides into a cabinet intended for installation and merges with the design of the kitchen. Their usable volume ranges from 100 to 150 ml and they are suitable for individuals or couples. There are small built-in refrigerators with or without a freezer.

Advantages and disadvantages
  • It saves space
  • Lower price and energy consumption
  • Choose one with or without a freezer
  • Small usable volume
  • Smaller selection of models

Frequently Asked Questions

What capacity of refrigerator to choose?

In general, it is necessary to allow for a cooling volume of 70 liters and a freezing volume of about 25 liters per household member. The layout of the interior space is also important - the number of shelves or the type of drawers used. Also consider whether you replenish food often, but in smaller quantities, or whether you make large purchases and what type of food you buy. E.g. storage of fruit and vegetables takes up more space and a special box is suitable for them, in which they retain their freshness better and do not come into contact with other foods. If you like cold drinks, there should be enough space in the refrigerator door for your drink. The shelves should be height-adjustable so that even larger food or a pot can fit in your refrigerator. Also consider how much you freezer food and make long-term supplies, and choose the size of the freezer accordingly.

TIP: When choosing a refrigerator according to capacity, allow for a reserve of space, because the refrigerator should never be completely full in order to maintain good cooling properties. You can learn more about this in the article How to take care of your refrigerator, where you will also find recommendations for the correct distribution of food in the refrigerator.

TIP: Did you know that we also offer second-hand fridges? You can buy an almost new refrigerator for a good price.

Where is the best place to put a built-in refrigerator?

The space for the built-in refrigerator must be considered very carefully, as it will be its permanent location.

When designing a kitchen unit with built-in appliances, you can use a simple rule: store - wash - prepare - cook. In practice, this means that first we always take the food out of the cupboard or refrigerator and place it on the work surface. Then we wash them and prepare them for cooking. From an operational point of view, the refrigerator should stand at the beginning of the assembly line, next to it should be a worktop. Ideally, the sink follows, followed by another work surface, and then an oven and a hob.

The kitchen unit can have different shapes and layout options, but no matter where the refrigerator is located, it should not stand next to the oven or hob, or next to other heat sources or by windows where direct sunlight may warm it up.

Allow for at least 5cm between the fridge and the wall, otherwise the door will not open completely and you will not be able to pull the shelves out during cleaning. Sufficient space must be left at the back of the refrigerator for free airflow.

Pozn.: If you notice increased noise in the refrigerator, it is quite possible that the built-in refrigerator will touch the wall somewhere or will not stand straight. Therefore make sure it’s located appropriately.

What is the difference between a base refrigerator and a built-in refrigerator?

Sometimes it is easy to confuse the terms base refrigerator and built-in refrigerator. A built-in refrigerator is built directly into a kitchen unit, and blends in perfectly, a base refrigerator is only inserted under the worktop and can be moved.

How to clean the refrigerator?

Each refrigerator must be cleaned regularly, because with or without modern functions, various impurities get into it when storing food. It is advisable to clean the refrigerator about once a month with a clean cloth and a non-aggressive refrigerator cleaner. They are safe for contact with food, eliminate dirt and absorb unwanted odors. But natural cleaners, such as water with baking soda, can also help. Vinegar is also suitable, and it also serves as an effective neutralizer of strong odors. When washing the refrigerator, always remove all food and clean from the top to bottom. Then wipe all shelves and walls of the refrigerator dry.

It is advisable to clean the freezer thoroughly approximately twice a year, and if there is over-icing this must also be removed (icing causes a significant increase in energy consumption and can also lead to damage to the appliance). Set aside a colder day for it. Take out not only the food, but also the shelves and drawers, which should be washed thoroughly, for example in a bathtub. Be careful to wash them in lukewarm water to prevent heat shock and warping of the shelf. Don't forget the seal around the door, which can be a breeding ground for mould. Then dry everything thoroughly with a clean dry cloth and put everything back in place.

TIP: You can learn more about how to clean your refrigerator or how to remove the smell from the refrigerator in our article How to take care of your refrigerator.

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