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The Ten Most Common Mistakes Made by Entrepreneurs

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The Ten Most Common Mistakes Made by Entrepreneurs

One learns from mistakes and this educational e-book for entrepreneurs introduces the ten most fundamental mistakes made by entrepreneurs every single day. These are mostly the same mistakes that are made repeatedly. Therefore, the aim of this e-book is to educate how to prevent these mistakes or how to remedy them, especially to protect your assets from business risks.
Table of Contents:
- Not recognizing that I’m not up to the task- Poorly choosing the field of business- Poorly choosing a business partner- Improperly setting project financing- Failing to manage rapid growth- Failing to monitor the effectiveness of your business- Getting absorbed by your company- Not following what’s happening around me- Failing to recognize that it’s meaningless to continue- Giving up prematurely
Closing advice: Think of the risks, too

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Dostupný formát ePUB, Kindle (Mobi), PDF pre čítačky
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Autor Vladimír John
Počet strán 18 strán
Rok vydania 2014
Série The Truth Revealed About Business Risk
Nakladateľ Meriglobe Business Academy
Kód:  EK10711
Produktové číslo:  978-19-104-3534-2

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