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The Ten Commandments of a Successful Entrepreneur

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The Ten Commandments of a Successful Entrepreneur

Ten Commandments of a successful entrepreneur reveal a set of rules obeyed by entrepreneurs who are running successful businesses in the long-term. Business is affected by many variables, but every entrepreneur can affect those which are essential for success. Which are they? This e-book intended for all entrepreneurs explains them.
Table of Contents:
Opening advice: Love your customer
10 rules of staying successful:
- Keep your business firmly in your hands
- Do not stop thinking about strategy
- Be a market leader
- Build only one brand
- Innovate carefully
- Collect business cards
- Build your business in order to sell
- Heed your profits, assets and liabilities
- Evolve continually
- Don’t think only of profit
Closing advice: Live and let live

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Dostupný formát ePUB, Kindle (Mobi), PDF pre čítačky
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Autor Vladimír John
Počet strán 22 strán
Rok vydania 2014
Série The Truth Revealed About Business Risk
Nakladateľ Meriglobe Business Academy
Kód:  EK10709
Produktové číslo:  978-19-104-3528-1

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