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The Soul of London

E-kniha, Anglicky
9,41 €

The Soul of London

While \'The Soul of A Survey of a Modern City\' is not a work of fiction, it is much more than a guidebook.In these pages, Ford almost anthropomorphises England\'s capital city, imbuing it with personality and character. He traces its growth and expansion, often drawing parallels between what he learns about London and what he learns about himself. Fascinating in topographical, historical, and even psychological terms, this is a fascinating book that strives to identify what makes London London.\'The Soul of A Survey of a Modern City\' is the ideal read for fans of ´Great Expectations´ by Charles Dickens. 

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Dostupný formát ePUB, Kindle (Mobi)
Druh ochrany Social DRM


Autor Ford Madox Ford
Počet strán 198 strán
Rok vydania 2023
Nakladateľ Saga Egmont
Jazyk Anglicky
Kód:  EK52877
Produktové číslo:  999-00-038-4401-9

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