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The Dead Letter

E-kniha, Anglicky
15,90 €

The Dead Letter

\'The Dead Letter\' follows the brutal murder of Henry Moreland as he waits to board a New York train on the way to see his fiancé. He is fatally stabbed in the neck and his body isn\'t found until the next morning. Suspicions fall to his protege, Richard Redfield, who hires a detective to clear his name. A classic whodunit, \'The Dead Letter\' is full of charming characters and could have easily been made into a series. Readers who enjoy classic detective stories like \'The Adventures of Arsène Lupin\' by Maurice Leblanc will enjoy this book

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Dostupný formát ePUB, Kindle (Mobi)
Druh ochrany Social DRM


Autor Metta Fuller Victor
Počet strán 400 strán
Rok vydania 2022
Nakladateľ Saga Egmont
Jazyk Anglicky
Kód:  EK50360
Produktové číslo:  999-00-038-4058-5

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