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Principles of Phonetic Segmentation

E-kniha, Česky
4,09 €

Principles of Phonetic Segmentation

This book presents guidelines for manual segmentation of the speech signal based on acoustic, articulatory, and perceptual features of speechsounds. It deals with transitions between various types of speechsounds pronounced both canonically and in a non-standard way, mostly exploiting visual information in the spectrogram and in the waveform. The objective is to provide for uniform segmentation of phonetic corpora based on phonetically motivated and easily applicable rules.

The book is designed for anyone working with human speech, whether it is phoneticians, speech technologists, or psycholinguists. That is why prior knowledge of only very elementary concepts is assumed, like “what does the spectrogram show” or “what is the formant”.

The book is out in Czech and English language.


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Autor Pavel Machač
Počet strán 152 strán
Rok vydania 2009
Série Fonetická segmentácia hlások
Nakladateľ Epocha
Jazyk Česky
Kód:  EK1033
Produktové číslo:  978-80-742-5032-3

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