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Nudging towards Health

33,90 €

Nudging towards Health

Behavioral economics sees “nudges” as ways to encourage people to re-evaluate their priorities in such a way that they voluntarily change their behavior, leading to personal and social benefits. This book examines nudging as a tool for influencing human behavior in health policy.<br> The authors investigate the contemporary scientific discourse on nudging and enrich it with an ontological, epistemological and praxeological analysis of human behavior. On the basis of detailed analyses of the literature and a systemic review, nudging tools are defined in the paradigm of prospect theory. In addition to the theoretical contribution, the book also examines and offers suggestions on the practice of health policy regarding obesity, malnutrition, and especially type 2 diabetes mellitus.

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Autor František Ochrana, Radek Kovács
Počet strán 160 strán
Rok vydania 2023
Nakladateľ Karolinum
Kód:  EK47723
Produktové číslo:  9788024655123

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