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Happiness in Life is Love

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Happiness in Life is Love

The first book in the Books of Happiness trilogy introduces the reader to quotes on love. This collection of wise words may bring you, through its contents and meaning, the understanding that in life, dreams may be made to come true, one by one. The beauty of these sayings expresses the essence of a life lived in happiness and the ability to live with emotion and gentleness. After all, that is what brings forth the feeling of true happiness in life. This small volume may become a pleasant little companion on your journey of understanding in life – it may encourage and inspire you in your development.

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Autor Přemysl Dvořáček
Počet strán 66 strán
Rok vydania 2012
Nakladateľ Na-Ra
Kód:  EK2293
Produktové číslo:  978-80-875-9430-8

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