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Giving your business the right face

E-kniha, Anglicky
11,90 €

Giving your business the right face

The e-book Giving Your Business the Right Face is an amazing tool for those who don't want to be overlooked anymore. It is for those who do, even though the world says boo.
The e-book gives you an amazing range of know-how, tips and tricks when it comes to running your own business. First you’ll clarify what you want. Second you’ll find out what to do to be unique and set yourself apart from other brands. Then you’ll uncover how to build your presence online. You’ll also learn how to work with your customers and get the best feedbacks possible.
On the top of that you’ll be given simple tricks that will align you with your brand so you’ll become absolutely irresistible.

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Autor Alexandra John
Počet strán 38 strán
Rok vydania 2015
Nakladateľ Meriglobe Business Academy
Jazyk Anglicky
Kód:  EK17319
Produktové číslo:  978-09-932-7012-3

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