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6,49 €


Audiokniha Frankenstein namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň B2 pro pokročilé posluchače.

Victor Frankenstein is a young, ambitious scientist who wants to make a better world, but does not understand the consequences of his work. Victor makes great advances in the study of medicine and biology and creates a new species of human being – one that is so terrifying it is known simply as ‘the monster’. In this fantastic adventure story, Victor and the monster fight an epic battle of courage and endurance. This science-fiction masterpiece asks questions about science that we are still asking today.

Parametre a špecifikácia


Délka 02:11:33


Autor Mary Shelleyová
Interpret Rodilý mluvčí


Veľkosť 128 kbps 221 MB
Kategorie Audioknihy, Beletria v angličtine, Zahraničná literatúra
Jazyk Anglicky
Kód:  AKI047
Odkazy: Stránky výrobcu

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