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Carpe Diem

E-kniha, Anglicky
6,01 €

Carpe Diem

There\'s nothing like the fresh mountain air, waves lapping against the beach, the wind caressing your chest, the water touching your crotch... This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short \"Her younger brother and his wife took pity on her and invited her on holiday. Now she\'s hooked a Greek.\" Refreshments by Margrethe \"The holiday began well. On a crowded bus in Italy with a masculine guy on the seat beside her.\" Summer Encounter by A Housewife in Italy \"Well, what could happen on the bus to Alta? She tried concentrating on the breathtaking North Norwegian landscape.\" Carpe Diem by Sol CUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers\' everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984.

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Formát a typ ochrany

Dostupný formát ePUB, Kindle (Mobi)
Druh ochrany Social DRM


Počet strán 20 strán
Rok vydania 2020
Diel série 204
Nakladateľ Saga Egmont
Jazyk Anglicky
Kód:  EK52910
Produktové číslo:  999-00-039-5067-3

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